The news today on the new Maverick football coach maybe could have been better, but it definitely could have been worse. I’m surprised they went with an out-of-towner, although the choice looks better than most of the local applicants.
Eddie Baca. Coached Del Rio to a 5-5 record in 1999, mediocre, but an improvement over the Rams’ 1998 mark of 0-10 under the previous coach. Then, unless there’s more than one Eddie Baca coaching high school football in Texas, my Google search showed the new Winn coach became a real nomad after lasting only one year with the Rams.
In the past 10 years, Baca has spent time with 2A, 4A and even 6-man football without terribly impressive winning marks.
Well, you’re not going to attract a superstar to Eagle Pass to a program that lacks a winning tradition. At least this guy has head coaching experience and probably some exposure to effective strategies used elsewhere around the state. When his full resume gets publicized, probably we’ll see the qualifications that led the athletic staff and school board to choose him over the rest.
For the sake of the C.C. Winn athletes, I wish Coach Baca the best. I hope that he’s given everyone’s full support and that the board, parents and other EP coaches don’t undermine his efforts. I think the right person could make the Mavericks competitive. Is Baca the guy? I’m going to cross my fingers, hold my breath and wait and see.

Good luck to the Mavericks with their new coach!
I am not sure if Coach Baca is still coaching in Eagle Pass, but what I can tell you is that some of coach's best attributes don't show up in the win/loss column. First off, he takes the jobs that others wont take at schools that are short on talent. He teaches fundamentals, demands professionalism, and instills pride in the organization. I played for him my sophomore year in HS, and I am still using things he taught me. I went on to play at Army in the middle and late 90s when we were a Top 25 team. Even to this day I use the things he taught me while serving in the US Army. Coach Baca may not have the winning percentage as others, but he breeds winners!!!
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