Lately, with the high temperature topping 100 daily, many people know the place to be is the Eagle Pass public swimming pool. An outstanding facility to begin with, recent improvements have helped keep this place hopping through the summer – well, for at least two months of the summer.
With ideal swimming weather here from at least May through September, it seems like they could find a way to have the public pool open for more than just half of June, all of July and half of August. I know the lifeguards go back to college and so on, and more excuses, and so on. It’s just too nice of a place to waste for almost 10 months of the year.
The public pool hours also have always puzzled me. Why do they have to wait until 4 p.m. to open? I guess partly because so many Eagle Passans won’t get out during the hottest part of the day. I even hear this phrase sometimes: “It’s too hot to go swimming.”
How can that be? To me it’s like being out in freezing weather and saying, “It’s too cold to stand by the fire.” If you’re cold, you find a way to get warm, and if you’re hot, you find a way to cool off. I don’t think it can ever be too hot to splash into a nice cool pool.
I’ve never heard any discussion about extending the pool hours, or ever known why those hours were set that way to begin with. I assume everyone except me pretty much agrees with the way it’s being done. I might agree, too, if I knew the explanation.
Attendance at the pool would probably double (and maybe it could stay open more) if so many parents weren’t unreasonably afraid of pee in the water. Some parents have told me that’s the reason they would never let their kids go there.
To me these parents are germaphobes denying their kids fun because of their exaggerated fears. As far as a pool goes, it would take a lot of pee to make a difference in billions of gallons of chlorinated water. Even at that, a little pee on your skin never hurt anyone.
Even ingested internally, pee has no ill effect. POW’s have told stories about drinking their urine in order to survive in the concentration camps, and the space shuttle astronauts recently drank water filtered from their pee collected while in orbit. They said it was great.
We once spent a day at Garner State Park and this woman near us had a chair in the river with the water up to her chest. In about 5 hours she drank a case of Budweiser, and never once got out of that chair. This woman either had a bladder like a beach ball, or she pissed enough in the Rio Frio to make it lukewarm. I don’t think she could drink that much and hold it that long, so the second possibility makes more sense. Luckily, we were upstream, but the people downstream didn’t seem to care.
A kid once told me that his uncle put a chemical in his home pool so that if anybody peed, it would make a bright red cloud around them. On the surface, that’s a good lie to tell because you think, “Who’s going to have the nerve to try it out. Think of the shame if everyone knew you peed in the pool.”
Such a chemical doesn’t exist. I never believed it did, but I did an Internet search today to make sure. I was surprised to find this story shows up under the urban legends at where it goes on to explain that even if kids believe the lie, it still probably won’t stop them. For one thing, Snopes says, if anyone else is in the pool, some kids would pee and just blame the poor guy next to them. Other kids would just be like, “Wow! I pee and it turns the water bright red? I gotta try that!”
The possibility of a urine detecting chemical has gained credibility through its fictional existence in TV shows and movies. A Wikipedia entry describes a Nickelodeon Adventures of Pete and Pete episode in which “Wee-Wee See” is used to “catch a pool-peeing perpetrator.”
Kids who have seen that show would believe you have such a product, but I really don’t support using such lies. Eventually, kids learn the truth, and your credibility is damaged. Then, you tell them something important like not to dive headfirst into the shallow end of the pool because they could break their necks and never walk again, and they’ll respond, “Whatever. You’re just saying that because you’re lying there and don’t want to be splashed.” Then, they’ll immediately dive into two feet of water.
So, back to the subject I digressed from 600 words ago. Maybe the public pool could be even more successful and be open more by convincing the people of Eagle Pass that it uses Wee-Wee See and nobody’s peeing in the water anymore. In the past, I’ve seen the people here believe bigger lies than that.

The old pool by the old Multi-Purpose Center was way even better than this new pool by the new High School, I'll tell you why, it's where I 1st.learned to swim, plus all the beautiful girls I used to play water games this day I still remember that beautiful tall amazon lady Life Guard Virginia Bernal, that was a knock out beautiful woman from 1968, not like the newer generation amazon lady Life Guard at the new pool for more than a couple of years ago, plus the powerful discharge water jets were amazing, we used to fight over them, cause they would get you off in no time, since they were so powerful and potent, wow why in the world did they closed down that old pool with the JutBox and all the good times?? How come the new Maverick High School doesn't have a pool? Is the atlethic dept. provides swimming for their students? If not they should what a waste of pool being used only for a couple of months, they should even have a water heater on it so this can be used during the winter months as well, duh!
Could not stop laughing(it's too hot to go swimming). I've heard that. I wanted to take my grandson swimming in the morning and to my surprise only those that have swimming lessons are allowed!
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