People who write books should read a lot of books. If you write poetry, you should read a lot of poetry. If you write for a newspaper, you should read a lot of newspapers. A person who writes a blog should read a lot of other blogs.
I don’t always follow my own advice.
When I read, I read to be entertained and I don’t know where to find many entertaining blogs. Most blogs that get updated daily simply read something like this: “Today I emptied the litter box, then sent two e-mails and paid my bills on-line.”
Please, just shoot me now.
For instance, some teacher blogs that I found go on endlessly on topics such as a day spent rearranging the classroom.
“One bookcase move led to many things just falling into place similar to a domino effect. A tall bookcase was moved next to my teaching chair. I thought that surely this wouldn't work. It had to be much too tall. But it had been blocking the air flow and summers can be warm. So I decided that it was worth a try. By switching the two bookcases I then had to move the math manipulatives to another bookcase which gave me more book bin space adjacent to the meeting area. So, suprise--I could actually sort the bins into a much more logical order! By exchanging the math manipulatives to a deeper bookcase, I could actually fit them and organize them. Now, this led to me filling two trash cans full of things that I HADN''T USED in a long while.”
That person went on like that for 300 words. WHO CARES?
Unless you’re Britney Spears or Alex Rodriguez nobody wants to know about the endless minutiae of your pathetic daily existence. Some modestly successful blog writers compose reams of drivel, but it’s somewhat valuable drivel because it concerns famous actors, musicians or athletes.
So, the thing is, I can’t make this blog the daily diary about me type because it would just be too damn boring. Though I’m a teacher and I’ll mainly write about education, I also don’t want my audience to be only teachers. I want to voice my thoughts sometimes, too, about other issues in Eagle Pass, but lately things have been kind of dull here.
I remember the old days when the police department constantly “lost” items from the evidence room, JP’s stuffed traffic tickets into shoe boxes and forgot about them, and the school board acted so poorly that the TEA assigned a monitor to oversee their activities. Those scandals were entertaining, but they came at a high cost.
The scandals are fewer now, but shi . . I mean stuff still happens. I hope someone exposes how the county gave Hector Chavez such a sweetheart deal on the dump consulting contract. More power to him for pulling a fast one like that, but someone with the county acted extremely negligently or maybe even criminally.
Surely the antics of local politicos will inspire me to rant and rave further in future blog entries. I’m aiming for 3 updates a week, or 12 each month. Right now, I’m a little behind for June, so I may rush out some mindless crap a couple of times just to meet my self-set quota.
Now, I should stop and look for blogs to read for inspiration. I did find one a few months ago that I find really funny. It’s called
It’s a little puzzling that you can make fun of white people like they do, but if you did and filled it with similar putdowns, you’d be chased out of the country for being a flaming racist. At any rate, it’s funny to see white people made fun of. Check it out. Then, check my stuff out again soon.

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