Sunday, June 8, 2008

School Grades: 50 is the new zero

Schools have a commonly used policy nowadays that I think would infuriate most people were they fully aware of it.

More and more often students – by school policy set by the principal and school board – receive a grade of 50 for doing absolutely nothing. In most schools, that’s the lowest average a student can get, while in some schools 50 is the lowest daily grade or test grade that the computer system will accept.

Do nil. Zilch. Nada. Naught. Just show up and you get a 50. Oh, and you don’t even have to show up that much. Be there just so often and you can make up for excessive days missed through “time-in” where 1-hour equals a whole day.

High schools and colleges used to fret about “grade inflation,” but what’s happening now in Eagle Pass and other places, too, equals nothing less than “grade welfare.”

Just the unfairness of it compared to the way we were treated should have parents and community members up in arms. I mean, “back in the day,” when we did nothing for an assignment, the grade showed a big fat nothing. If an assignment or several assignments weren’t done, we expected a grade or an average that reflected that. An average of 50 meant that we did half the work, or we did all of the work, but only got half of it right.

Today, students “earn” a 50 by doing nothing. Why? Because it’s administration’s simple solution to solving the problem of too many students failing. While no work accomplished still SHOULD mean a zero, that might discourage too many students and cause them to give up.

I’ve got news! Making everything easier only makes the students lazier! Lower the standards, and they lower their performance. Lower the standards more, and they lower their performance even more.

The students know the system and know how to take advantage of it to do as little as possible and still get by. Some of them slide by with a C each of the first three nine weeks, and then know they can do absolutely nothing the final nine weeks, that they will receive their free 50, and that they will have a high enough average to earn a full year’s credit.

The freebies are really unfair to the students who are trying to get by without them. Many students put effort into doing their daily work, and spend time studying, but still do poorly on important tests. Such students giving it the ol’ college try often end up with averages in the 60s while those around them doing nothing get an almost equal 50 handed to them.

EPISD’s grade polices compliment several other programs designed to give students second, third and fourth chances. Because of these policies students do not learn that irresponsibility results in serious consequences. They don’t learn if you don’t do your work, you fail, you go to summer school to try again.

What students are learning now is that the system bends to their desires. When they desire less work, they simply have to just do less work. Something will give. They’ll get the grade. They’ll still pass.

It used to be that the teachers were in charge. Now the bureaucrats have taken over, and the product – the students – must keep moving along the conveyor belt. When you have defective final goods, don’t make corrections and improvements, just lower your criteria for what is acceptable. With these attitudes, the students will eventually just be giving themselves whatever grade they want.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Adolescent Sexuality

An eighth grade girl that I saw a few months ago wore a pink shirt to school with large block lettering: "I'm a virgin -- but this shirt is old."
My first reaction, "Damn! Where the hell are this child's parents? Do they check -- or care -- what she's wearing to school?"
My next thought was that she might as well wear a shirt that says,"I'm a sleazy whore, and I'm proud of it."
The Eagle Pass kids over the past few years have gotten very expressive with their sexuality at school, and, of course, everywhere else. Their behavior at school bothers me the worst, though, because it's a place where they should be seeking the respect of the adults around them. Something like church.
Holding hands, touching suggestively, kissing and necking (previously scorned as Public Displays of Affection) seem commonplace in the hallways today. Lesbian relationships are discussed and practiced openly as girls kiss girls in just about any location they please in front of anyone. A small number of boys brazenly reveal femininity with no qualms concerning how homosexuality is received by others.
I saw another shirt at a junior high school this year that made a veiled but easily recognized reference to receiving oral sex. Again, I wondered where the hell the parents were.
Following these sightings, I started wondering just how far coul such messages eventually get if left unchecked. I made a list of possible bad T-shirts for kids. We seriously might be seeing these on young children some day:

1. For a 15-year-old unmarried girl in El Dorado, TX -- "Old Maid"
2. Top 10 reasons beer is better than a juicebox
3. I'm with Stupid (Arrow pointing to parent) -- maybe true, but really ignorant if your child is with you
4. Television is Life
5. Are you my Daddy?
6. Say no to hugs
7. My parents went to San Quentin and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt
8. Will work to feed my mom's habit

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Many newspapers, not much news

This is something I came upwith one night when I couldn’t sleep.

Eagle Pass, though already flooded with media for a city this size, could still use a couple more original newspapers. Here are some possible names for new newspapers for us:

(In no particular order.)

The Deaf Mute
La Basura
The Lap Dog
La Mordita
The No News Guide – motto: “No news is good news”
The Follower
The Kilogram – the official newsletter of the area drug trade
El Periodico Que Es Todo En Espanol
The None of Your Business Journal
La Leecha
The Drop Cloth
The Behind the Times or its Spanish version -- La Tortuga