Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Saucedo shows guts in making hard choice

     Three cheers for County Commissioner David Saucedo.
     While the other commissioners voted for a loan in order to delay a needed tax increase, Saucedo stood firm against the refinancing of the county’s debt. The commission majority acted like your typical over-spender who prefers to face the pain of debt later instead of meeting it head-on now.
     According to the county’s financial adviser, the loan will help avoid any tax hike for now, but will require hefty tax hikes later lasting for many years into the future. But why listen to Robert Rodriguez? He’s only the president of Southwestern Capital Markets in San Antonio and he’s only getting $60,000 a year from the county for his expertise. What does he know?
     “I lost faith in Mr. Rodriguez some time ago, so his advice doesn’t carry much weight,” County Judge Pepe Aranda was quoted as saying in the Express-News.
     I bet Rodriguez does know finances. He probably doesn’t know the length a politician will go to to avoid a tax increase. I think the commissioners know a tax hike is needed but they’re hoping it can happen after the next election, or maybe farther in the future on someone else’s watch.
     Saucedo showed courage in not wanting to take the easy way out.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Valdez. This is off the topic but this is the only way I could get in touch with you. Maybe you have more of a scoop or could obtain more reliable information. This is in regards to last weekend's incident where many high school students were arrested due to being minors in possession. Several of which were football players. I heard this from a coach(not a football coach), That Mr. Bowles, using his "influnces", was removing citations received by some football players. What is this supposed to teach the students? If you are a starting player you can get away with anything? I thought that incident would help deter teen drinking. I am outraged. I'm an Eagle Fan, but students have to learn to face consequences in order to learn.

Anonymous said...

Pepe Aranda believes he is the Financial Expert, but he sounds more like MADE-OFF with out money.

Anonymous said...

Who made Aranda the Finance Expert? Typical Politician know-it-all.