Monday, May 25, 2009

In Memory of Memorial Day

Eagle Pass Daily -- -- City and regional news, opinions, and photos.
     Out working in my back yard this evening, I noticed the awesome aroma of the neighbor’s bar-b-q. For a moment, I wondered who has time to cook out on a weekday. Then, I remembered . . . O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o r-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ight – It’s a national holiday, except here in the border zone.     
     I came home from work and went out to check the mail, also forgetting federal employees had a long weekend that the teachers and students here are always denied.
     It’s ok. If we did go to school today, we’d just have to go one day longer next week.
     EPISD seems odd, though, in not celebrating Memorial Day. When I was in school farther north, our family always used the break for a fishing trip, then we’d return and finish the last 3 or 4 days of school.
     I solicited comments from other teachers at an on-line community. Five people said they were in school on this Memorial Day to make up for snow days. Four said they had never heard of going to school on Memorial Day. Two in Louisiana mentioned going for half a day.
     Interestingly, one teacher said their state’s year-round schools were in session today, but that a GOP leader there was urging parents to keep their kids home in protest. You know our good ole GOP – if you’re not constantly honoring the military, you’re supporting the enemy.
     Another person remembered having gone to school many years ago on Labor Day. No surprise, this was in the Rio Grande Valley, another almost not really the USA border zone.
     I saw throughout the news today that everyone was inner tubing, boating, going to the beaches, and having other mini-vacations, and I was jealous. I got over it by reminding myself, “Only 7 more school days; 7 more days; 7 more.”

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